I emailed all the schools that I wanted to be a part of the survey a sheet which had my background information on it and it also had the survey that would be given to the students to complete. This is what I sent in the email to the senior sponsors or counselor:
"Hello. My name is and for my AP Statistics class, I have to do an experiment. I chose to see how many minutes on average seniors spend doing homework each school night. This project is equivalent to a final exam and will be counted as a big percentage of my final grade. I have attached the worksheet for you to give to your seniors. You can mail me back all the worksheets that you get from the seniors. Thank you so much for your time. I greatly appreciate this! Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns that you may have."
This is the survey that I attached to the email for the sponsors or counselors to give to their students:
I am a senior and for my AP Statistics class, I have to do an experiment. I chose to see how many minutes seniors in Jefferson Parish spend doing homework each school night.
How much time on average do you spend doing homework each school night?
________________________Hours __________________________ Minutes
The only thing I am afraid about the results of these surveys is the fact that people might lie in this survey. They might either say that they spend more time to make themselves sound smarter. They can also lie by giving lesser time than they actually spend on homework because they do not want to sound like nerds in front of their friends.
On Monday, I emailed everyone the information that I needed from them. Some of the teachers I was able to talk to but for others that were in testing, I got their email address and emailed them. When I spoke with the different schools, I had to come up with a script as to what I was going to say. This way, I was able to gather all my thoughts together beforehand and wasn’t confused when I was actually talking on the phone. Only one school said that they would not be a part of this survey. Other schools have not yet sent me their data, nor have they emailed me with any concerns. The school that decided not to be a part of my survey will have impact on my overall project, because my experiment might start to become response biased. The response bias is due to the fact that only the schools that feel their students do homework each night are more likely to participate in the survey. I need to consider, however, how I will be putting this data together. For starters, I will use an Excel spreadsheet to put all the data in. Then, to make different types of graphs, I will use this website. On this website, I have the option of making different graphs including pie charts, bar graphs (which I can later make into histograms), line graphs, etc. I will start to put the data that I have collected from my school on the Excel spreadsheet and start making a histogram for the data for my school. By doing this, I will know what kinds of numbers I am expecting. This will also help give me an estimate of the average number of minutes that seniors spend on doing homework on a school night. But I have to make sure that I do not let the data from my school interfere with my thoughts about the data I will get from other schools. If I do this, it would be considered a form of bias because I might think that some observations are outliers, when in fact they may be very useful data.

Check this link out to a blog that a parent wrote about the hours of homework students spend each night. And basically, he does not want students to have so much homework each night. I FULLY agree with this!!!!!!!! In his blog entry, he states that doctors base their treatment of their patient based on the patient's condition, and not based on their knowledge of science and medicine. Of course having a science and medicine background allows their judgment to be better, it is not as effective as the gut feeling a person may have. Christopher, the author of this blog entry, also gives a schedule of an average teenager. He states that 12 hours are spent to maintain a good health. This is half of our day. Then, about nine hours is spent on structured activities, such as, time spent at school, time spent commuting, and then the time spent on extracurricular activities. Now, the total is twenty-one hours. This only leaves three hours for the person themself. And you can’t forget that the human race is not perfect and there can be some distractions, which can extend this time. The student still needs to be relaxed in those three hours, have time for maintaining their hygiene and some other personal things. If teachers were to assign three hours of homework each night, the student would not have time to do anything else and would be grounded in work. This is not healthy for the child and teachers should keep in consideration the schedule of students outside of schools and assign an adequate amount of homework.

What is the average number of minutes a high school senior spends on homework on a school night?
The objective of this project is to find out the average, or mean, number of minutes that students across Jefferson Parish spend doing their homework on a school night.
- A letter of request for the high school counselors
- A valid email address that I can use to email others
- Email addresses or contact information for each of the high school counselors of the schools I wish to collect data from
- A computer on which I can record the data electronically
- A computer with Microsoft Office that I can use to analyze the results of the data collected
- A storage device, such as my flashdrive
- A TI-84 Plus Silver Edition calculator for all the computations
The subjects for this experiment will be high school seniors – students that are in the 12th Grade.
Write a small letter of request for the high school counselors asking them to ask the seniors at their high schools how many minutes on average they spend doing homework each night. In this letter, I will indicate how important it is for me that they gather this information properly since it will be presented to the public. Also, I will ask the counselors to tell the students to be as honest as they can, for this is an anonymous survey and the correct analysis of results can only be computed when the students tell the truth of the number of minutes they spent doing homework on a school night. I will set a time limit, possibly a week, in which I will ask the counselors to mail, or email, me all the number of minutes each student said he or she spent doing homework. Next, when I have all the different observations from the different schools, I will put that information in an Excel document so that I can have all of the data electronically. Then it comes time to actually analyze the data and interpret the results. The data will be analyzed using the various techniques that we learned in the Statistics class. Some of those include a box plot, cumulative frequency chart (or an ogive), a histogram, two way table, etc. Some of these will be constructed using my handy-dandy calculator, whereas other will be constructed using online tools. Since these are graphical displays only, I will have to write a paragraph or two explaining what each of these graphs tells. Of course I will put all of this information on my blog. :)
I have two college classes, an AP Class and a class that is based on a project, known as Digital Portfolio. Every night, I have tons of homework each night. And the homework is not all from the textbooks either. It is a combination of textbook problems, essays, a website and homework from an e-book. On average, I would guess that I spend about 2 to 3 hours doing homework each night. And it is not the fact that all of the work that I get is hard; it is actually quite simple. The only thing is that it is tedious and takes time. If I do take shortcuts, it does not help much because doing all of the work is more beneficial for later use. Since I have all of this work, I am curious to know as to how much time other students my age spend on their homework each night. So I came up with this research question: How many minutes do high school seniors spend on average each night doing their homework?