Friday, March 6, 2009
Published by Sobiacomments (0)
In the modern technology world, everyone is using blogs to write about their personal lives or just to communicate with other people. But, not all blogs are, in the words of my statistics teacher, “hot”. For a blog to be considered “hot”, it has to way the person writes has to stand out to the reader. Like, the author of the blog has to be personal and interact with the reader through the writing style. So to check out what other people have on their blogs, I searched up blogs on blogger. I found some interesting blogs, some boring blogs, and some blogs for which I have no words for. The last ones that I mentioned were a bit … interesting … :) Basically, what I saw in most of the blogger blogs were in different languages. That really shows the diversity of blogger blogs. Those blogs seemed more interesting than those that were in English because they had more pictures and they just seemed “hotter”. There was this one blog that I loved! It was really interesting because it had a bunch of pictures. This blog was entitled “Unshelved Words.” This blog had descriptions to go along with the pictures that the author wrote. That was something that seemed “hot” to me! My teacher assigned this blog as a project and she wants us to associate a picture with each of our blog entries. That’s what I have been doing, but this blog has helped me to consider adding more pictures. As everyone has heard, pictures are worth a thousand words and it would take too much time to write everything down. Also, pictures make everything else more interesting because most people are visual learners and enjoy looking at pictures and understanding a concept rather than reading a description of it. Here is a link to the awesome blog. Hope you like it and I hope you like my blog too.
I am a senior this year. I'm in an AP Stats class and this blog is a part of a project we are assigned. Each of the students is to come up with a topic question, collect data, analyze the data statistically, and display our results with a *hot* powerpoint.