I have two college classes, an AP Class and a class that is based on a project, known as Digital Portfolio. Every night, I have tons of homework each night. And the homework is not all from the textbooks either. It is a combination of textbook problems, essays, a website and homework from an e-book. On average, I would guess that I spend about 2 to 3 hours doing homework each night. And it is not the fact that all of the work that I get is hard; it is actually quite simple. The only thing is that it is tedious and takes time. If I do take shortcuts, it does not help much because doing all of the work is more beneficial for later use. Since I have all of this work, I am curious to know as to how much time other students my age spend on their homework each night. So I came up with this research question: How many minutes do high school seniors spend on average each night doing their homework?